Tuesday, February 26, 2008

On track

We had the last of our "two week" check-ups today and got to learn a little more about the little guy. He's measure a little big - about 2 weeks ahead. Hopefully that means that he got caught up on his growing. When we had the first sonograms, some of his body was ahead while other parts were behind. His legs for example were pretty short - then again, what can be expected from Marvin & me. :)

The doctor wasn't concerned. She said everything was looking good and progressing well. Nothing out of the ordinary for a first time pregnancy. I am really looking forward to meeting this little guy. He's been so well behaved so far - hopefully that means a we'll have a good child. I can kid myself right. The only thing is he isn't listening real well...I said that I wanted him to be 6-7 pounds. Sounds like he'll be at least 8. We have the sonogram next week, so we'll get to know more....

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