This weekend was the weekend when we finally made good on Marvin's bet with Toby. All in good fun - dinner for the winner of the A&M vs Tech game. This year was double or nothing as pregnancy and Matthew's birth made it a bit challenging to get together last year. We went out to dinner Saturday at the Gaylord Sports bar to watch Tech take on OU. The screen was good (52 feet of football gloriousness...), the crowd loud, but Toby's team just didn't bring it. Marvin and I were hoping for a good, close and exciting game, but A&M's team some how snuck on the field. Toby we're sorry - but glad that we are one step closer to escaping another year of Tech having a go at the Big 12 Championship. (At least we hope!) Maybe A&M will get lucky and we'll see you in Maroon and White before we have to wear red and black.
Other fun stuff this week - Matthew's godparents Chris and Sandy sent Matthew a pre-Christmas holiday package. What an exciting way to end the day. We're trying hard to teach Matthew how to open presents before Christmas. He loves paper, but somehow a box full of paper becomes overwhelming. Baby steps!

Oooo - Paper!

A is for Aggie - we can't wait for Matthew to grow into this shirt!

Checking out the card