I have been telling myself that we were going to do something that was different. While Matthew enjoys getting out of the house, I wonder how stimulating trips to Costco and Target really are. We had planned to visit the Heard Musesum this weekend to see Dinosaurs Alive exhibit, but the weather was a bit too blustry on Saturday to head outside. Instead, it became a "Clean House" weekend. Anyone who has every seen the show on Style knows the process - descide to get rid of things you don't want, sell them at a garage sale and use the money to redecorate your house. We didn't excactly follow all the steps, but we made alot of progress cleaning out closets this weekend. Matthew's old clothes are put up and his new fall clothes are clean and ready to be worn!
Heard Museum will have to wait....

Playing in boxes!!

This one is as big as me!

Pee-a-boo -- everything is becoming a game now
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