Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The holidays are upon us!

What an exciting time. Christmas has got to be my favorite time of year. It isn't about the presents or the tree, its about the spirit. The charge in the air of children waiting for Santa to come down the chimney.

I enjoy the season with all my senses - the lights, the music, the soft blankets we get to snuggle under as the winter chill sets in and the smell and taste of all the holiday treats - be it a simple sugar cookie or elaborate holiday dinner. In the words of Rachel Ray - Yum-O!!

I took off a week at Thanksgiving to get a break from work and to try to catch up on a few things. We had a nice simple Thanksgiving, opening our door to family and friends. For the first time in a long time, we didn't hit any Black Friday sales - because we really didn't need anything. Though we did venture out Friday afternoon to get a tree and a car seat for Matthew. (I am sad that we have to put up the infant carrier. It's hard to believe just a few months ago when we brought him home he was so tiny in the big car seat...)

From 11_November 2008

We spent Saturday and Sunday pulling out decorations and getting our house ready for Christmas. While Matthew helped - he hasn't really noticed the change in decor. He can totally ignore the fact that there is a 7 and a half foot tree in his play room. It's quite amusing.

We hope everyone had a great Thankgiving and is enjoying the holiday season.

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