The birthday party itself was very low key as immediate family and Matthew's best friend Carson (and his mommy and daddy) joined us to celebrate Matthew becoming one whole finger! Wow. Matthew, Carson and cousin Riley played in Matthew's play room before we opened presents and enjoyed the cake. Matthew, we learned, is not much of a sweets person. He humored Marvin when he smashed Matthew's hands into the cake. Other than that, the cake eating was rather uneventful.
The following weekend Matthew went to Carson's to celebrate his first birthday. The sports theme was awesome complete with consession stand and sports ball candy favors. We had fun playing "Carson", watching Carson open presents and enjoy his cake. I can't believe that 12 months can go by so quickly. I remember Matthew and Carson's first playdate when they were just weeks old.
I have to admit - I now understand why everyone says it only gets better. Yes those first 3 months were brutal, but all that is forgotten when you get to watch this little person run around the yard to come up to you with no intention other than to give you a hug. It's the best. :)
On to Easter....
We have a fast learner on our hands. By the time Easter rolled around Matthew had experienced a few trial Easter egg hunts. We traveled to Gainsville to celebrate Easter at Kim & Don's. We had fun catching up with everyone and Matthew had a blast showing off by getting into everything. No cabinet or room was left unexplored! The Easter bunny made his visit after lunch and thanks to all the big kids for letting him have a head start. Matthew was excited to see all the eggs, but was more enthused by all the trees! (Tree was his vocabulary word for the week at school and he had to stop and point to just about every one of them.) Matthew had a blast picking up a few eggs, but really enjoyed the opportunity to run free. It was a great visit. We look forward to next year when Matthew knows what he's doing and becomes a force with which to be reconned!
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