What will today bring - bounce houses and splash pads! It was all about physical activity. In the morning we went to Pump It Up Jr, a bounce house for kids between the ages of 1-6. The best thing about when we went was it was limited to kids under the age of 3. Everyone there was Matthew's size. It was great! There as a slide, an obstacle course and bounce house. In addition, there were a variety of cars, trikes and push toys. This is what excited Matthew most. I think he would have been happy pushing those cars around all day long. With a little coaxing we got him to go down the slide with daddy and to race with us through the obstacle course. Matthew loves a good game of chance and it's even better when mommy and daddy are handicapped with bolsters to crawl around and holes to crawl through. As he got more comfortable, Matthew was doing things all on his own. He'd climb up to the top of the slide and go down all by himself. It was a great thing to see!

After a well deserved nap, it was off to a splash pad. We've tried this in the past, but the one we went to was a little too large and a little to crowded for Matthew to really enjoy. We found a few that are in neighborhoods in Frisco, not too far from our house. This was the perfect week to give them a try. We headed out today to one that was just 10 minutes from our house. As we were leaving, I noticed some storm clouds brewing, but shrugged it off. Sure enough it was sprinkling by the time we got to the park - and it dropped almost 10 degrees! As it turned out, the water was a little too cold to enjoy, but that didn't stop us from enjoying the playground!

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