Friday, December 26, 2008


For me, it was a whole year of anticipation. Christmas is my favorite time of year and I was really looking forward to celebrating the season with a child. Matthew has made the holidays this year extra special. We are taking the holidays in phases. Christmas eve was spent with my family. We had a small get together to exchange gifts before heading out to the farm for a bigger family get together.

Are all these presents for me?

Whoa - its so big!!

Nathan says oh this is soft!

Awesome - Daddy can take a whole pot of coffee to work now.

Hurry up, get it out of the box

There's gotta be more in here....

Matthew and Mommy

Amy gets domestic

Weeeee - this is fun!

Daddy and Matthew try to fix the truck

With Matthew, there were 4 kids under the age of 5 - it was so much fun to see them get so excited. In addition to family, there was carol singing, lots of food and of course presents. Matthew just loved the tractor set from his great-granddaddy. We arrived at the farm early enough that he got to see a real one as people came back from the hayride.

Matthew and Great-granddaddy

Kim and Matthew while singing Christmas carols

Marvin and Colin lead the gang in a jovial round of "Deck the Halls" ala "A Christmas Story" Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra!

My tractor

Matthew and mommy with his godparents

Christmas morning was fairly mellow. Matthew enjoyed gifts from Santa. We went to church and came hope to open stocking and gifts from mom and dad. Here are a few pictures from the day. We were lucky enough that after a few days of excitement that he actually got to take a much needed afternoon nap. We're taking the day to recoup and will spend a few days continuing the holiday celebrations with Marvin's family.

Pre-Christmas festivities

First - pre-Christmas activities continue. Last week we finally made it to the mall to see Santa. Though Matthew did ok with other Santas, the one at Northpark was not pretty. Even though Matthew talked to all the kids and parents in line, he did not like Santa at all.

Getting ready to see Santa

It isn't the best picture, but Matthew did not like Santa at all!

Thankfully all our Christmas shopping was finished, so we just enjoyed the day at the mall.

Cute hat huh...

Matthew's favorite part was checking out the ducks and turtles. He was so excited!

A Santa that Matthew can tolerate!

The day itself just wore out Matthew and Daddy. What a fun way to get ready for Christmas.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

It's the holidays and that means lights!

No Christmas season is complete without a trip (or two) out to see Christmas lights. This year we gather a group of friends and headed over to Deerfield to see the famous "Deerfield house" featured on Good Morning America. We snuck in the back way so we could avoid the traffic jam and take our time checking out all the neighborhood (well at least a couple of its streets) had to offer.

Matthew was so into the lights that it too him an hour to wind down enough to go to sleep. It was too cute.

In addition to the lights, Matthew enjoyed breakfast with Santa at his school. Ok - he didn't enjoy Breakfast as much as mommy and daddy did, but he did get to go on his first "train" ride.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The holidays are upon us!

What an exciting time. Christmas has got to be my favorite time of year. It isn't about the presents or the tree, its about the spirit. The charge in the air of children waiting for Santa to come down the chimney.

I enjoy the season with all my senses - the lights, the music, the soft blankets we get to snuggle under as the winter chill sets in and the smell and taste of all the holiday treats - be it a simple sugar cookie or elaborate holiday dinner. In the words of Rachel Ray - Yum-O!!

I took off a week at Thanksgiving to get a break from work and to try to catch up on a few things. We had a nice simple Thanksgiving, opening our door to family and friends. For the first time in a long time, we didn't hit any Black Friday sales - because we really didn't need anything. Though we did venture out Friday afternoon to get a tree and a car seat for Matthew. (I am sad that we have to put up the infant carrier. It's hard to believe just a few months ago when we brought him home he was so tiny in the big car seat...)

From 11_November 2008

We spent Saturday and Sunday pulling out decorations and getting our house ready for Christmas. While Matthew helped - he hasn't really noticed the change in decor. He can totally ignore the fact that there is a 7 and a half foot tree in his play room. It's quite amusing.

We hope everyone had a great Thankgiving and is enjoying the holiday season.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Paying off bets

This weekend was the weekend when we finally made good on Marvin's bet with Toby. All in good fun - dinner for the winner of the A&M vs Tech game. This year was double or nothing as pregnancy and Matthew's birth made it a bit challenging to get together last year. We went out to dinner Saturday at the Gaylord Sports bar to watch Tech take on OU. The screen was good (52 feet of football gloriousness...), the crowd loud, but Toby's team just didn't bring it. Marvin and I were hoping for a good, close and exciting game, but A&M's team some how snuck on the field. Toby we're sorry - but glad that we are one step closer to escaping another year of Tech having a go at the Big 12 Championship. (At least we hope!) Maybe A&M will get lucky and we'll see you in Maroon and White before we have to wear red and black.

Other fun stuff this week - Matthew's godparents Chris and Sandy sent Matthew a pre-Christmas holiday package. What an exciting way to end the day. We're trying hard to teach Matthew how to open presents before Christmas. He loves paper, but somehow a box full of paper becomes overwhelming. Baby steps!

Oooo - Paper!

A is for Aggie - we can't wait for Matthew to grow into this shirt!

Checking out the card

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Clean-up weekend!

I have been telling myself that we were going to do something that was different. While Matthew enjoys getting out of the house, I wonder how stimulating trips to Costco and Target really are. We had planned to visit the Heard Musesum this weekend to see Dinosaurs Alive exhibit, but the weather was a bit too blustry on Saturday to head outside. Instead, it became a "Clean House" weekend. Anyone who has every seen the show on Style knows the process - descide to get rid of things you don't want, sell them at a garage sale and use the money to redecorate your house. We didn't excactly follow all the steps, but we made alot of progress cleaning out closets this weekend. Matthew's old clothes are put up and his new fall clothes are clean and ready to be worn!

Heard Museum will have to wait....

Playing in boxes!!

This one is as big as me!

Pee-a-boo -- everything is becoming a game now

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Where does the time go?

I said that I was going to try to get a blog started and have it updated regularly, but the challenges of being a wife and mommy have gotten the best of me. I am going to do my best to start fresh. :)

We just finished celebrating Halloween. What a fun holiday. We went to a number of pumpkin patches. Here are a few of my favorite pics.

Matthew did great just checking out everyone and everything. Halloween itself was less eventful. Matthew had a school party (way too cute). That did him in, so we missed trick-or-treating with our friends. We hit a few houses in the neighborhood. Daddy had a blast - Matthew wasn't so sure.

Matthew's godparents did get him an adorable outfit to wear...check it out!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Life after Mimi - will we ever sleep

One month old - I can't believe that Matthew is officially one month old. It's been a roller coaster of a month - from the adventures in the hospital to the challenges of life with a newborn. Just as soon as we think we have the hang of it, Matthew changes the game plan. He was on a really great schedule and Mimi came to help out as Marvin started back to work. It was such a great help having her around - not only to make sure things got done around the house, but to play with Matthew. It was a week full of change. It was amazing - he couldn't do something one day, and would do it the next. He really started to track. Now I understand mobiles. He loves watching the starts and sports balls go around. He is also fixated with his bedding. He can stare at the circles and stripes for quite some time. He has a firefly toy that he just loves - he'll actually try to talk to it. We hang it on his play gym and he is mesmorized. When doing some tummy time - multitasking as we used the time to put lotion on his back - Matthew decided to impress us all and try to lift his head. It was truly amazing to watch and Matthew loved the fact that he had an audience.

Since Mimi left, we're all struggling to get into some grove. Matthew is more of a snuggle bunny than ever before and lets us know when he wants to be cuddled! Marvin and I are going to use this weekend to get caught up on some rest. We had grand ideas of checking out an art fair in Southlake, but I think we'll enjoy the sleep a little more! With any luck we'll get more into a routine and the happy, engaging baby who was here for his grandparents visit will return!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Welcome Matthew Jude Szeto!

So this is a little delayed, but anyone who has had a new born can relate. (It's a long post, but something I want to document - for Matthew at least!) Marvin and I have had quite an adventureous and emotional month. For most of the pregnancy I had high blood pressure and always knew there was a slight chance that I would have to be induced early. We were lucky in that I was able to maintain a safe level well into my 39th week. As I was nearing the end of the pregnacy, Marvin was closing up loose ends to take a job with Bell Helicopter. We were very blessed that with the pending birth, Hitachi let him work from home the week before the birth.

With my high blood pressure, we had to stay around Dallas for Easter and missed heading up to Gainesville for the annual Easter Egg hunt. We had a very lovely and relaxing day with Marvin's side of the family as we watched Riley hunt Easter Eggs.

We were scheduled to be induced on Tuesday, March 25th, but with my blood pressure, my doctor didn't wait to wait until Tuesday to see me. So, I had one last doctor appointment on Monday, March 24th. Marvin and I thought all would be ok and had planned one last romantic evening out to have dinner at Lawry's. When we saw the doctor that morning, she said that she couldn't see us waiting another 18 hours and asked that we go straight to the hospital. My blood pressure was just too high. That was met with a flood of emotion. While it was just hours until we would have been there anyway, the fact that it was unexpected caught us off guard. While we should have gone home, grabbed our bags and went to the hosptial, we had to make a pit stop at Target to get Easter candy. Heck, it was half off and we didn't have any, so it seemed rational. :)

We arrived at the hospital around 1:15pm and we were set up to have labor induced. In the midst of the high blood pressure, we also had a baby who was very comfortable and didn't want to drop! The hope was to break my water and get labor started. We ended up being in labor for 8-9 hours and while it was progressing, the baby never dropped. The decision was made Monday night to have a c-section. While this was not the birthing experience Marvin or I had envisioned, it didn't look like it would happen any other way.

I was prepped for a c-section and in about half an hour we had our screaming bundle of joy. At 10:26pm, Monday, March 24th, Matthew Jude Szeto was welcomed into the world weighing in at 9lb 2oz, measuring 19.75 inches long. After seeing our baby the doctors said that there was no way for him to have fit, so even if we had labored another 12 hours, we would have had a c-section anyway.

Matthew had more in store for his new parents. We had a few visitors that first day - Mimi and Granddad, Aunt Judy and Cousin Riley, and Uncle Nathan and Aunt Lori. While everyone was out to dinner, Marvin and I asked the nurses if they could look at Matthew as he was having trouble breathing, wasn't eating and seemed to be shivering while feeling quite warm. The nurses took him for observation and ran some tests. Instead of getting a call from the nurse that he was ok and would be coming back to our room, we received a call from our pediatrician that we would be getting a visit from a neonatologist. Matthew had some sort of infection and was going to be sent to the NICU.

Our prefectly healthy baby was now sick. It took us a few hours to get things straight and to finally be able to go down to see him. When we walked in, he had an IV in his head and was attached to all kinds of monitors. It was heartbreaking. Matthew was a trooper and improved every day as he was poked and prauded. While he was fighting his infection, he also had to spend time under Biliruben lights for jaundice. From what the doctors were saying we thought he would be coming home Monday or Tuesday. I was discharged on Friday morning. We went home, cleaned up a little and headed back to the hospital for Matthew's afternoon feeding. When we got to his bassinet, the nurses said the cultures had some in and assuming his numbers were normal the next morning, we could take him home. What a blessing! We were so excited that he got a clean bill of health!

In the middle of all the chaos, having a wife dealing with leaving her baby at the hosptial and a baby in the NICU, Marvin resigned his job of nearly 14 years with Hitachi Consulting. Even with all the challenges, we feel so blessed to have our baby boy. Marvin's been on paternity leave and taking the last of his vacation, so we've been enjoying the past few weeks as a family getting to know each other and trying to get into a routine! (Easier said than done...)

The plan is to keep updating the blog our activities - sometimes it may be intersting and other times just ordinary. Mimi is coming up to say for a week to help out as Marvin starts his job on Monday.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Showered with love

A couple weeks ago we had our baby shower. It was so much fun! Thank you to everyone who came out. We are now officially prepared for the little guy's arrival - at least I think we are. We have the basics, that's for sure. I can't wait to get pictures of him in his new outfits and bath robes. We'll have plenty of items for photos ops - that's for sure!

Here are a few pictures:

Diaper Cake - so cute and so much fun stuff included!!!

My hostesses....they were awesome!

With my mom....

...and my sister-in-laws.

Cute Baby's First Year Basket

Showing off blankets and sweaters made by Marvin's mom.

Marvin checking out the gifts...

One of Marvin's favorites...yes we are an Aggie Family.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

36 weeks - are you sure?

We had our last sonogram today and got to see the little guy. I guess he isn't so little any more - infact, if we go to term, he'll be 8.5-9.5lbs! I can't believe we're going to have such a big baby. I wonder if he'll have a budda belly? It'll be fun to meet him.

We've started going to the doctor weekly now. Everything is looking good. The baby is still high, so we have a ways to go. I am starting to dilate - 1cm. One whole cm. :) I hear you can walk around at 1cm for weeks.

The doctor doesn't think much will happen, so for now, I just look forward to the weekend and our baby shower.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

On track

We had the last of our "two week" check-ups today and got to learn a little more about the little guy. He's measure a little big - about 2 weeks ahead. Hopefully that means that he got caught up on his growing. When we had the first sonograms, some of his body was ahead while other parts were behind. His legs for example were pretty short - then again, what can be expected from Marvin & me. :)

The doctor wasn't concerned. She said everything was looking good and progressing well. Nothing out of the ordinary for a first time pregnancy. I am really looking forward to meeting this little guy. He's been so well behaved so far - hopefully that means a we'll have a good child. I can kid myself right. The only thing is he isn't listening real well...I said that I wanted him to be 6-7 pounds. Sounds like he'll be at least 8. We have the sonogram next week, so we'll get to know more....

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The worst is over...and the best is yet to come

I know I've been absent for a while, but I have been totally consumed with work. We just had a very successful tradeshow and as soon as I wrap up one little event this week, I should be home free. Not to say there isn't plenty of work to do, but hopefully I can take on a more supportive role.

I was in church to day and realized I am about 34 days away - plus or minus I guess. I have a few friends who are also expecting and so far, everyone has gone early - some as early as 3 weeks! That has had me a little concerned. I've been trying to get my bag packed and ready to go so that if he does decide he can't wait a little while longer, at least I don't have to trust Marvin to pack my bag. :)

Right now all I am missing is the make-up and hair dryer....I just hope I have the time and sense to not forget those all important items!

We're getting things ready here - the baby's room is about done, but we have a couple rooms in the house that still need some work. Fingers crossed we can get everything done with some time to spare. Or at least get things cleaned up for the shower that is in a couple weeks!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Two Months and Counting - OK a little less

Yesterday when I looked at my watch it dawned on me - in less than two months I'll be a mom. Whoa! Talk about reality sinking in. Right now I feel like I can barely manage my life, much less be responsible for another.

In less than two months (ok, we're assuming the little guy is on time) we will be up all night addressing the needs of our little child. I look forward to it with excitement tinged with fear. Is it possible to self absorbed and to be a parent? I am thinking not and that so much of what I focus on today will soon be secondary. Right now I cannot comprehend it - and I wonder how long it will be before it all sinks in...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

What have we gotten ourselves into!

By now, everyone knows we are expecting our little boy at the end of March. This weekend was filled with excitement as we attended our first of three classes in preparation for the little guy's arrival. We started with the big one - child birth.

As with every new mom, I have had my moments where I wonder if I am going to be a good mom and are we really ready. In the middle of class, I have to honestly say I turned to Marvin and said - this was the reason we should have adopted. I know at the end we get this great, squirmy bundle of joy and that I probably won't remember the pain. But right now - it isn't just labor - it's the post labor stuff.

I guess in the end, I along with every other mom out there, will forget all the pain and yucky stuff as soon as I get to hold my baby in my arms.

Right now its 9 more weeks of anticipation!