Right before New Years, Matthew had is nine month check up. He's 20lb 8oz, 281/2 inches long, putting him right at the 50% on the growth charts. It's funny because everyone always comments on how big Matthew is. I guess looks can be deceiving.
To ring in the new year, we headed over to Tricia and Chad's house. Matthew got to play with Carson before it was Carson's bedtime. They are so cute together. While both Carson and Matthew go to bed at 8pm, Matthew didn't want to miss out on the party. He stayed up to ring in the new year - thankfully he also slept in the next day!!!
Marvin and I are looking forward to a very exciting and eventful 2009. We don't know what is ahead, but are sure that we'll be enjoying it as a family. Best of luck to everyone this year.
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