I woke up this morning HOPING AND PRAYING that Plano had school today. Our preschool follows Plano in terms of determining when they close their school. Anyway - Marvin and I are both so overloaded with work that neither of us could afford to take a day off. (Awful parenting huh. I mean where are our priorities - I guess its putting a roof over our head and food on the table.) So off Matthew goes to school. I am working and planning on leaving early to avoid any bad traffic, but wasn't planning to go home until 4pm after all my meetings. At 11:45am a co-worker stops by to ask if we can move a meeting because his kids school was closing at 12:30pm. Not 2 minutes later I get the call I was dreading - you need to pick up Matthew by 12:30pm, we're closing. I quickly shoot off emails and race to the school. I show up in time, only to find him down for his nap. I was thinking to myself if only he could sleep most of the afternoon, I'd be good. I could be on all my conference calls and focus on Matthew after he wakes up. What are the chances - if he went to sleep at noon - that he would sleep until 4pm??? Thankfully my sweet boy knows I am trying as hard as I can. I was able to get him in his coat and out of his classroom with him asleep, but as soon as he felt the cold air on his face, he was awake. When we got home we rocked and listened to soothing music for about 30 minutes. That 30 minutes must have been just enough. Matthew slept until 3:35 and my last conference call ended at 3:45pm! How lucky am I to have an adorable little angel who knows just what I need.
Here's to tomorrow and what should be another snow day - tomorrow is Marvin's turn. :)
As part of Matthew's snow day, he decided to explore where no little boy has gone before - the Szeto Tupperware cabinet. Check out the video to see him in action!
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